We accept volunteers of all ages, if you are under 13 a parent or guardian must accompany you. If you are in HRA or another program, please specify. We are willing to fill out any paperwork, it is your responsibility to communicate with your program. They are accepted on an ongoing basis. Ages 14-24, may be a paid as a youth worker/intern through YAIP or DYCD.
To apply:
Go to the Volunteer section. Fill out the online form.
Message us to let us know it is complete
To get help completing the form call (929) 352-6722.

Brand Ambassadors
Are you great at speaking with people? Are you able to communicate effectively? Do you like outdoors or events? Can you instruct others? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, consider joining the Brooklyn Multi-Service Community Center, Corp.'s team of brand ambassadors. Help us serve our community and pursue our mission to foster action to protect, enhance, restore, and revitalize Brooklyn neighborhoods.
Depending on position, Commission opportunity MAY arise when:
You obtain 15% of profits when are selling vendor tables, event tickets, and others outside the scope of fundraising as a volunteer or with the group. This is done digitally via Eventbrite or other online market places.
You have created your own TEAM for that walk and can be awarded tiers for fundraising efforts. There is no set up time required and you can start ASAP. Award items, money, and or vacations will be received after your efforts. See: 2018 Walk

Interns must be enrolled in a high school, YAIP (paid) or a college program. They are accepted on an ongoing basis; it will usually last 3-4 months but time frame is open. For YAIP / DYCD please inquire. To apply send in resume, supplementary questions, and cover letter to BrooklynMSCC@gmail.com, Subject INTERNSHIP [Your name].
1. What are your career and academic goals?
2. What do you expect out of an internship at BkMSCC?
3. What special qualities will bring to this internship?
4. What is the time frame that you expect to serve, and what days and hours are you available to work?
To Apply online: Fill out the application