Pay It Off - Matching Payments on Child Support Debt Owed to NYC July 25, 2017 The New York City Pay It Off program is back for two weeks next month! Through the Pay It Off initiative, the HRA Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) will match payments of $500 or more made toward child support debt owed to the New York City Department of Social Services (NYC DSS). The last time HRA offered Pay It Off, about 50% of the parents who participated paid off every cent that they owed the government. Most of them paid off the debt during the program itself. Some needed only a few months of additional payments to finish off everything. Here’s how it works: • Say a noncustodial parent you work with owes $2,500 to the NYC DSS. If they pay $500 on that debt between August 9 and August 23, 2017, HRA will credit them for a total of $1,000, so their balance owed goes down to $1,500, and that’s good. Even better, if they pay HRA $1,250, they’ll credit them for a total of $2,500, wiping out their entire debt! • Remember: $500 is only the minimum payment. So even if the noncustodial parent has $10,000 or $15,000 in government child support debt, HRA will match any payment starting at $500 up to the total amount owed to the NYC DSS. • HRA-OCSE offers an Arrears Credit program that will continue after Pay it Off expires. Anyone who signs up for the Arrears Credit program during the Pay It Off initiative will get an additional 10% of their payment amount credited to their DSS arrears. Please spread the news about Pay It Off among your clients and to noncustodial parents. HRA-OCSE’s Customer Service Center is at 151 West Broadway in lower Manhattan, near the Chambers Street stops of the A, C, J, 1, 2, and 3 trains, and near the Brooklyn Bridge stop of the 4, 5 and 6 trains. This walk-in location is open 8am to 7pm every business day, and even on Saturdays from 9am to 5pm during this Pay It Off drive. We don’t want anyone with child support debt owed to the NYC DSS to miss out on this limited-time opportunity. We have attached a flyer that goes over more of the details. The flyer is double-sided in English and Spanish, but please let us know if you would like copies of the PDFs in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), French, Haitian Creole, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Urdu. For flyers in both English and Spanish click here.
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